Nerd Humor

Normally, I detest puns in any way, shape, or form. But I make an exception for science puns, just because, well, geeky humor amuses me.

Lately I've run across so many funny science things, I just have to share them:

My AP Chem teacher apparently, on occasion, puts her fish bowl on a a magnetic stir plate, drops in a stir bar, and has her goldfish do laps. At least, this is what she told my brother's AP chem class.

Sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium, sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium, sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium BATMAN!

Know any good sodium jokes?

Want to hear a potassium joke?

Two chemists walk into a bar. One of them tells the bartender, "I'll have some H2O please."
The other chemist, thinking this is a good idea, says, "I'll have some H2O too."
The second chemist dies.

What's a frat guy's favorite element?
(thank you Julie Sanders)

A cop pulls Heisenberg over on the highway. He says to him, "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?"
Heisenberg replies: "No, but I know exactly where I was!"

At a Galapagos Study Abroad info session earlier this year, two weeks before the application deadline, Jen and I were talking with Dr. Peterson, the director of the program. He said to us: "Study abroad is freaking out because there are only six applications in. I'm going, 'Six applications! That's great!' They clearly don't understand how scientists are with deadlines."

Yo mama's so ugly, even Flourine won't bind to her!
(again, courtesy of Julie Sanders)

That's all, for now!