TdF2014: Day 11

This morning, when I went out to the back porch to take pictures, it was... cold? I-wished-my-oversized-sweater-was-done cold? (Don't look at me like that - it was only a couple of ticks warmer than I keep my apartment in winter, really.) It felt like late September at least, even though it's mid-July. It's weird. 

Anyway, on to the spinning. The Targhee is chugging along:

The BFL singles are done, and plying should commence today:

And I brought the Polwarth/Silk out of hibernation:

The pace has slowed down a bit, but that's because the Wensleydale was on a deadline, and the singles for the Targhee were a time/feasibility trial for my crazy spinning ambitions over the next four months. Also, I have deadlines for various knitted things coming up, which is taking away my spinning time. 

Bonus: there's red among my tomatoes:

Here's the kind you were expecting:

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