Well, this weekend kind of stinks. Mostly because I'm working most of the time. And I mean most of the time. I had a shift this morning from 11-5 (but really 5:45 because person with the next shift didn't show... new kid...) covering for someone else, then in the morning I work at aplysia from 8 until around 1 (but really, I have to get up at 6 to get to the metro on time, and then I won't get back until 2, because the person who I was getting a ride with is studying abroad this semester). Then tomorrow night I work 5-11. So... basically, if you don't count time for sleeping, I have maybe around 8 hours that I'm not working this weekend. And you know, I have to eat, shower, swim etc. Just not cool. The good thing is though, I find out what I'm doing for my project out at aplysia tomorrow.
The only thing that didn't stink about this weekend was last night. I can always count on good old Friday night. First, I went to the yarn store, which is always a plus. Second, I had a gift card to the yarn store, and they were having, not only huge sale buckets (clearly stuff that they're de-stocking because no one was buying), but a post-inventory sale on top of that! Unfortunately, my slight obsession with long-color-changing yarns (a la Noro) prompted me to get the mini-mochi instead of the Dream in Color Smooshy (but really, quite clearly I'm making some awesome socks out of the mochi, and I had no clue what I would make with the Dream in Color. Plus, for $22 normal price, the Dream in Color was quite scratchy). I also got the most gorgeous roving ever:

Drooling? Want to pet it? I understand.
The only thing that didn't stink about this weekend was last night. I can always count on good old Friday night. First, I went to the yarn store, which is always a plus. Second, I had a gift card to the yarn store, and they were having, not only huge sale buckets (clearly stuff that they're de-stocking because no one was buying), but a post-inventory sale on top of that! Unfortunately, my slight obsession with long-color-changing yarns (a la Noro) prompted me to get the mini-mochi instead of the Dream in Color Smooshy (but really, quite clearly I'm making some awesome socks out of the mochi, and I had no clue what I would make with the Dream in Color. Plus, for $22 normal price, the Dream in Color was quite scratchy). I also got the most gorgeous roving ever:

Drooling? Want to pet it? I understand.
But then, when I got back, there was cake on top of the microwave (which immediately tipped me off that Shannon was going to come into the room at any time - that girl has a cake detector in her head, I swear. Plus, Bree's shoes (Bree = Shannon's roommate) were on the floor). We actually ended up watching the Guardians of Ga'Hoole and eating cake, once Shannon got back from fencing (turns out, in addition to her obsessions with cake and clownfish, Shannon also has a thing for owls). I've read the books Guardians of Ga'Hoole, and I have to say, they messed up the plot in the movie in the same way they messed up the plot in the Eragon movie, which drove me crazy the whole time. Luckily, the plot line they invented with the characters from the series was actually quite good, and quite a clever (if slightly annoying to those of us who've read the books) way to mash the first six or seven in to one movie (Eragon was just terrible in all respects).
At work this morning I watched Watchmen (I have 12 hours of info desk this weekend, and the only homework I have/can do is read genetics and write a page of French, which will take about 4 hours, max), and while I was watching, I finished the first January sock, and started the next one:
At work this morning I watched Watchmen (I have 12 hours of info desk this weekend, and the only homework I have/can do is read genetics and write a page of French, which will take about 4 hours, max), and while I was watching, I finished the first January sock, and started the next one: